EarthBox Blog #2
OSeptember 10, 2020
Everthing is looking good at the store. We have picked our first cucumbers of the season as shown in the photo to the right. These are pickling cucumbers that were planted around August 10th. We are also picking zucchini and yellow squash which were also planted then.
All of the veggies are growing well even in this heat. Tomatoes are growing well, we have done our 1st, 2nd and 3rd ties on them. We have included 2 videos to show you how we tie up our tomatoes.
The peppers are showing a little stress due to the excessive amount of rain and heat. We are keeping their reservoirs dry and by doing so it keeps the moisture content down to prevent root rot.
All the plants in the greenhouse look good and we have a good supply of all of our special tomatoes and vegetables for you to plant your Fall Gardens.
The hardier leafy vegetables will be planted starting this weekend such as Kale, Cabbage and Broccoli and some Lettuces.
We are having a special on planted tomato boxes. We still have a few of them, 1 grape, 2 cherry and 2 Tasti-Lee boxes left at 10% off. They are pictured above left.
Stop on by and see us, feel free to bring us your old boxes to replant for a small fee. Let us know if there is any way we can help you with your EarthBox Gardening.
Bob and the EarthBox Staff